Saturday, October 29, 2016


Angel S2E19 - E22

I love Fred. We meet her in these episodes, so they can do no wrong in my eyes.


Cordelia has a vision of a girl in a library (FRED!) being sucked through a portal, and at the same time a demon has come through another portal in Lorne’s bar. It’s from Lorne’s home dimension Pylea, and he is very interested in completely avoiding any discussion of it, but they accidently open yet another portal and call one of Lorne’s relatives. After an adventure with him, they send him home. But Cordelia is inexplicably taken too. Very inexplicably, since she’s standing right next to Wesley and he doesn’t even notice.

“Over the Rainbow” 

Angel is pissed. And frantic. They are going to Pylea to rescue Cordelia, and that is that. And he is not interested in excuses like Lorne’s complete unwillingness to return home, or in Wesley’s concerns about travel mechanics.

Meanwhile, Cordelia discovers that in this world, humans are slaves, and seeing visions means you get tortured with pokers to determine if you’re “cursed”. Fred (FRED!) tries to help Cordelia adjust to Pylean life. She’s been there forever, and you don’t go back.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Had an epiphany

Angel S2E15 - E18


It’s time for the 75-year review at Wolfram & Hart! Fun times for all when a Senior Partner comes to visit. I love the concept of Wolfram & Hart. Something about the mundane merged with supernatural evil makes me laugh every time. So employees are subcontracting goat sacrifices, and very possibly trading in the souls of their firstborn children.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Just wanted to screw some law firm.

Skipped some episodes because lazy.

Angel S2E8 - E14

So, Wolfram & Hart brought Darla back from the dead, as a human, in order to mess with Angel’s head. This has been very effective. Now we are up to speed.

“Shroud of Rahmon”

Cordelia and Wesley are really tired of Angel brooding about Darla. As am I! So when Gunn shows up needing help to foil a mystical heist, we are all very happy for the distraction. Even better is Angel disguising himself as a flashy vampire, and best is Angel and Gunn bro-ing at each other for the top demon-fighter spot.

“The Trial” 

And we’re back to Darla. Her human body is picking up right where it left off, dying of syphilis. Angel offers his life to save hers, but that doesn't pan out. He’s got a lot of angst riding on saving Darla, which makes it much worse when Wolfram & Hart invite Drusilla to LA to do what Angel won’t.