Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Just wanted to screw some law firm.

Skipped some episodes because lazy.

Angel S2E8 - E14

So, Wolfram & Hart brought Darla back from the dead, as a human, in order to mess with Angel’s head. This has been very effective. Now we are up to speed.

“Shroud of Rahmon”

Cordelia and Wesley are really tired of Angel brooding about Darla. As am I! So when Gunn shows up needing help to foil a mystical heist, we are all very happy for the distraction. Even better is Angel disguising himself as a flashy vampire, and best is Angel and Gunn bro-ing at each other for the top demon-fighter spot.

“The Trial” 

And we’re back to Darla. Her human body is picking up right where it left off, dying of syphilis. Angel offers his life to save hers, but that doesn't pan out. He’s got a lot of angst riding on saving Darla, which makes it much worse when Wolfram & Hart invite Drusilla to LA to do what Angel won’t.


Drusilla vamps Darla, and Angel fails to kill either of them. And I really like full-strength Drusilla. In Buffy season 2, her insanity made her seem even more fragile, but now it’s just scary and dangerous. Anyway, Angel has had it right up to here with Wolfram & Hart so when Drusilla and Darla decide to attack Holland Manners’ party in his wine cellar, Angel pointedly doesn’t stop them.

Cordy, Wes, and Gunn are appalled, and Angel fires them.


Angel goes after Darla and Drusilla, and he sets them on fire with gasoline and a lit cigarette. And when Angel is smoking, you know it’s trouble. Doesn’t kill them though, since plot relevancy has a direct correlation to vampire invulnerability. Anyway, he sets them on fire but again, pointedly, doesn’t go back to check if they were dead. He wants revenge, and doesn’t seem too worried about actually stopping them from killing any more people.

The ex-Angel Investigations employees are feeling adrift and head to Caritas and regale Lorne with songs of their destiny.

But the visions haven’t stopped just because Angel gave up, so the rest of the crew is still on the job.

“Blood Money”

It’s Anne! AKA Lily AKA Chanterelle. Neither of them recognize the other from Buffy’s “Lie to Me”, but we do, and that’s kind of cool. She runs a teen shelter, and Angel has been stalking her. This episode is best summarized by Anne, two episodes later:

“Happy Anniversary” 

A physicist is given a formula to stop time, by some demons who think he’s the one promised to wipe Earth of humanity. He overhears his girlfriend say she’s going to break up with post-pity sex, so he sets it up so he’ll freeze time during. It’s super creepy. Anyway, Angel breaks the magic physics machine and stops the world from ending.

“The Thin Dead Line” 

Zombie cops. Kate and Angel take them down, which doesn’t go over well with the LAPD. Wesley gets shot, because we can’t go a season in a Joss Whedon show without a non-fatal gut wound.

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